Leash walking dogs: overstimulation or decompression?

Catherine AdamsDog Training, Opinion, Philosophy

You’ll often hear me talk about ‘decompression’ leash walks for your dog or as they are referred to in the training world, ‘sniffari’ walk.  But are you really decompressing and helping your dog or building up so much dopamine and oxytocin that you’re doing more harm than good? On a recent camping trip, my dog Louie had no off leash … Read More

Stop asking your reactive dog to Sit!

Catherine AdamsDog Training, Philosophy


“I make him sit and try to get him to look at me”. I’ve heard this statement a hundred times from clients and potential clients that are working to help their dog’s noisy and upsetting behaviour on leash.  Their dog is  barking or leash pulling/lunging, and they are trying to get their dog to sit and watch and be calm. … Read More

Dog Training Operations during COVID-19

Catherine AdamsDog Training

April 16, 2020 I hope this finds you sane, healthy and safe!  I have taken Right Start Puppy Class,  1-1 coaching and consultations live and on-line.  I understand that for some of you this is a new and unfamiliar way of connecting and learning.  I too was new to this technology when I starting taking on-line dog behaviour courses but … Read More

West Kelowna Dog Trainer

Catherine AdamsDog Training

Dog Life Skills 2.0 Classes

Are you looking for a dog trainer located in West Kelowna, British Columbia? Look no further! Catherine Adams, from Take The Lead Dog Training, is available for classes and one-on-one training programs in Kelowna’s Westside.

Say goodbye to ‘energy’ in dog training

Catherine AdamsDog Training

The word "Energy" in dog training

When I’m talking to clients about why they’ve contacted me, labels such as dominant, pushy, or aggressive are often used to describe behaivor they see. And often, within that exchange of information the term ‘energy’ is also used to describe behaivor.  Unfortunately, labels and terms such as energy do not tell me what behavior the dog is performing.  Good dog … Read More

Changing problem behavior: Foundation work!

Catherine AdamsDog Training

Wellness Program for dogs

Foundation work is the basis of all behavior modification training.   When I get a call for help from a potential client they often state they have 1 or 2 behavior issues that need addressing. In reality, it’s much more than 1 or 2 issues. That’s because behind all behavior is motivation and motivation is based on a feeling a dog … Read More

Dog needs a farm! Really?

Catherine AdamsDog Training

Dog needs a farm

In how many rehoming ads have you read …’Great dog for sale.  Needs a farm or large property to run.’? Its so common to see this statement in rehoming advertisements.  Unless the dog is in fact a working/guarding breed of livestock such as an Anatolian Shepard or Great Pyrenees and instinctually would probably be happier outside in a large space … Read More

‘You’re soft’. Thank you!!

Catherine AdamsDog Training

I’ve been told a time or two that I’m soft with dogs.  It was meant in kindness but the intention was to suggest that I needed to be harder on the dogs.  I used to be offended and hurt by this comment.  I thought I must be doing something wrong!  But my instincts told me I was doing just fine … Read More

No ‘dog whispering’. Just train the dog!

Catherine AdamsDog Training

We all know about the idea that a select few just ‘have it ‘ with dogs.  A ‘special way’, ‘dog whisperer’ and on it goes. Don’t sell yourself short because the truth is, everyone can train dogs, but it just might be a trainers style (you), their nuances, that stands out more than others. Every trainer and every dog guardian connects … Read More