Humane & Effective Dog Training

Catherine is a certified Knowledge Assessed dog trainer specializing in puppy training, fear based behaviours and teaching young dogs essential life skills to ensure they thrive with their guardians.
Group Classes

Call 250-808-4122

Based in the Okanagan region, we offer personalized training services to local clients and extend our support to those outside the area through remote coaching.

Call Catherine to discuss your dog training goals today!

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Training Customized to Your Dog

All private training and coaching is customized to each dog and addresses your issues directly. You’ll receive my support throughout our time together, handouts and summaries after lessons, the option to video lessons for review later or for submission between lessons to fine tune a training application.

Featured Classes & Programs

West Kelowna Dog Training

Private Training & Coaching

One-on-one training is beneficial for guardians who are experiencing serious problem behaviours. Problem behaviours can go on for years and can get progressively worse when the wrong approach is taken including doing nothing to change the behaviour issue.
Private Sessions
Peachland Dog Training

Life Skills Class

For puppies, teenage dogs and adult dogs with very little obedience skills. You’ll learn the basic fundamentals of dog training, how to correctly reinforce behaviour (no bribery!) the importance of your timing, and how important YOUR role is in the training equation.
Life Skills Class
Puppy Training Classes near Kelowna

Puppy Training Program

Enjoy your puppy without having to wear kevlar gloves or replace shoes or furniture! Build a solid foundation for future training and foundation that helps build a confident, friendly and well behaved dog so you can both enjoy everything life has to offer, together!
Right Start Program

Dog Training Videos

From take The Lead Dog Training

Contact Take The Lead Today!

Don't wait any longer to start working towards your dog training goals. I help people make change in their dog’s behavior through empathy, and with the individual dog's needs in mind.