LIFE SKILLS Program Description

Imagine taking your dog out more often because they have good manners in public or ...
Have your dog lie quietly when you have a guest or lie outside of the kitchen when you're cooking or
Settling on a mat while visiting the Veterinarian
Would you like a dog that looks at you for direction without being told 'look at me'?

More knowledge & training opens more opportunities for you with your dog. 

Life Skills Class is for young puppies (min. 16 wks), teenage dogs and adult dogs.

For Dogs that:
  • Wander around in the kitchen begging for food and getting underfoot
  • Struggle to give you eye contact outside
  • Get over excited with people or dogs
  • Need help settling down at home

The focus of this class:
1. Teach your dog Stay until you release them 
2. Relax when guests are present
3. Relax when other dogs are present
4.  Games to help build more deference to you

*Life Skills Class numbers are small so you receive hands on, 1-1 instruction.

You will learn:
  • How to build behaviors in environments outside your home
  • How to solve current problems using humane techniques
  • How to train your dog using positive reinforcement
Your dog will learn:
  • Down, Stay, natural Eye contact , 'Place' on mat (stationing)
Introductory Dog Training Class near Kelowna, BC

Next class: March 3, 6pm-6:45pm

FULL!  Please call to get on the waitlist for the next round of Life Skills.

Call Catherine 250.808.4122 if you have questions or to make sure this is the right program for your dog.
*Class fills quickly

  • Monday 6-6:45 pm
  • 4-45 minute classes
  • Max 4 dogs per class
  • West Kelowna
  • $210. (gst incl)
What To Expect
  • More 1-1 coaching with a certified/qualified, trainer
  • Weekly training reminders including video instructions via email
  • Private Facebook group for video submission and support

